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The Boss Lady

Professional Futures Lecture - 7

The most alluring quality a woman can possess is confidence, and Katie Greenyer epitomizes this trait effortlessly. Her vibrant personality, filled with boundless energy, captivates those around her, making her a source of inspiration for many, including myself. Working tirelessly for Pentland Brands, Katie showcases not only her remarkable confidence but also her dedication and passion for her work. She serves as a shining example of what can be achieved through unwavering self-belief and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Katie Greenyer's influence extends far beyond her professional sphere, leaving a lasting impact on all who have the privilege of encountering her dynamic presence.

Candid Chronicles

Let me tell you a story that Katie shared with us. She recounted an unforgettable experience during an interview where the atmosphere was incredibly awkward and silent. It was almost unimaginable to her that someone could remain so quiet during such a crucial moment. However, instead of dismissing the candidate outright, Katie chose to give him a second chance, recognizing the brilliance of his portfolio. When she asked him why he had been so silent during their initial meeting, he confided that he had felt incredibly uncomfortable in the formal suit his mother had insisted he wear, believing it would project professionalism. Katie's response was both insightful and liberating: "Don't wear a suit to creative interviews, even if your mum insists. Be you!" This anecdote serves as a powerful reminder to embrace authenticity and individuality, even in the most formal of settings.

Fig.01 Katie Greenyer's presentation. Source -

Here are a few tips from Katie regarding CVs and Interviews :

  1. Schedule the job application deadline in your calendar and plan your preparation backward from there.

  2. Aim to finish your work at least two days before the deadline to allow for any unexpected issues.

  3. Research the interviewers and familiarize yourself with the company. Avoid wearing clothing from competing brands.

  4. Provide evidence of your thought process and methodology in your work.

  5. Present your work with confidence during the interview.

  6. Stay active and inspired. As a design student, cherish the opportunity to be creative at your own pace and seek new inspirations.

Feel free to tell me about your interview adventures! Until we meet again in our next conversation, let's keep dreaming, creating, and motivating each other. Best wishes, Maitri, saying goodbye for now.


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